
"After breaking my neck due to a shallow water diving accident, there were a number of adjustments my body was trying to make. One of them was temperature control. Paralysis is very commonly accompanied by the body having difficulty regulating temperature. I had also experienced significant weight loss, which further contributed to my constantly being cold.  

For most of the seven months I was in the hospital, I wore a warm blanket wrapped around my head sometimes, although not so safely, being reheated in the microwave.  Siobhan, a dear friend who was often by my side throughout my stay in the hospital, invented and created a hat that could be conveniently and safely reheated in the microwave. 

It was a great comforting mechanism and, most importantly, helped keep me warm! I’m forever grateful for her creativity, invention, and friendship."

-Michael-Ryan P.


“The beanie works great! The heat worked great. It really came in handy on cold nights and in the infusion center. Thank you for the hat!”

- Mark B.


"Our son Luke was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in February of 2019. After the initial fear and sadness of this unexpected news, we knew our biggest challenge was getting him well. 

 While helping him on this journey, it was incredibly important to us to keep him as comfortable as possible while he went through chemotherapy and possibly radiation. We bought a new special mattress, soft bed linens, pillows, and anything else we could do to help make an awful time more comfortable. We even decided to install a hot tub on the back porch where Luke could soak when he felt achy, especially after his treatment. 

All these things helped comfort him, but when Anne and Siobhan sent him their wonderful hat for Luke to wear when he was cold and uncomfortable, it was a change we never expected. It was like a warm hug all over, and he finally felt comfortable and warm, especially on chemo days at the cancer center.

I cannot say enough about this hat and how much it meant to him. As his mother, it was an answer to prayer for me because something finally helped him feel better. He wore the hat the entire time through his cancer journey, and I highly recommend it for anyone going through a similar situation, and I’m certain Luke would too. Thank you, Siobhan & Anne!"

-Lauren G.


“I wore it when I went skiing, and it was the perfect weather for this hat! I even wore it indoors!”

-Nicole H.