About Us


Hello, my name is Siobhan (pronounced Sha-Von) Cutone, and I am the owner of Soothables + Co. I started this company with only one thing in mind, and that was to give relief in any way I could to those who are going through medical events such as cancer, chronic pain, lifelong paralysis, arthritis, etc. 

Why did I decide to start this company?

I have a very dear friend who became a quadriplegic when we were just 20 years old and when this happened, I felt it was my duty to help him in anyway possible. I ended up moving to Colorado to help him learn how to live his new life he had to endure as a result of his horrible accident.
Part of that help was keeping him warm. Which sometimes meant sneaking blankets under our shirts to the utility room so we could heat them up in the microwave. Unfortunately, that resulted in   the blankets catching on fire, which resulted in us being banned from using the microwave.

I was a student at an Art University so when I went back to school, I made a "heatable" hat for my friend, instead of a six-piece tailored collection that was due by the end of the semester. I did this to find a way to bring my friend comfort during a time of pain in his life. My friend loved the hat, he said that it was the only thing that gave him heat which his body could no longer regulate on its own because of his accident. 

Fast forward to when I was 26 years old and diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma Blood Cancer, Stage 2, B High Risk. I had to endure a year of intensive chemotherapy and radiation. When I was having my chemo treatment which started here in Seattle in October where it is cold, rainy and it can snow here, which it did that year, I kept thinking about how nice it would be to have a hat like the one I made for my friend. 

After my treatment and recovery, I decided I had to make this hat available to others, along with two other products I found necessary while sitting in the infusion center watching others who had their own battle with their chemo treatment.  I have put effort, energy, time, and money into making these products so that they can benefit those going through one of the toughest times of their lives. 

Here at Soothables, we want you to know that you are not alone. I thought of you the whole time I was designing these products. Our hope is you get the soothing relief these products are meant to give you or someone close to you.

Relief has a new address, Soothables + Co.




Hello, my name is Anne I am the proud mother of a beautiful daughter who is creative, strong, loyal, and a wonderful friend. My joy in life is my daughter and how much she makes me laugh. She has the best sense of humor, and she is the strongest person I know. Watching her go through cancer was the worst thing I ever had to go through. These products are her passion, and she is my passion.

Why did I create this company?

When Siobhan’s lost all her beautiful hair after her   second chemo treatment and her cotton cap was not   keeping her warm the heatable hat she made for her   friend, who became a quadriplegic, sounded good to   her. Siobhan was too sick to make one for herself at   that time. While in the infusion center getting her   treatments, we noticed other people having unique needs from the type of chemo treatment they were getting for their cancer.  
A few years later when Siobhan was ready to sit down in front of a sewing machine and make the hat, she did not forget the others we met who had a need from their chemo. And created the extender to the hat, a glove, and breast pad.

I will never forget the one day when my daughter was going through chemo treatments and she looked at me and said, “I have had everything taken away from me, my health, my freedom, my looks, my memory.” As a parent, I felt awful because it was the first time, I could not make it better, there was nothing I could say except agree with her and say that I was sorry. There is nothing worse than not being able to tell your child everything is going to be all right when their head was just shaved because she had combed most of her hair out of her head into the bathroom sink. 

Soothables is a hug from us to you so that you know you are not alone. We are on this journey with you.

Relief has a new address...Soothables + Co.